Monday, December 1, 2008

Misc uploads, recent renders.

Just needed a place to put these online for the time being.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Push the envelope

Here's a teaser of the full image... click on the pic to see the large version.

This one took many iterations and re-draws until i was happy... at which point i scanned it and cleaned it up in photoshop.

I painted over the farmer's face and torso since I had more resolution in the digital file than i could achieve using my pencil and paper. Originally I was going to have a lawn chair duct taped to the jet engine, but lawn-chairs proved to be very difficult to draw in perspective.. ultimately the sofa ended up taking its place and i had to find a way to attach the sofa to a jet engine. A utility strap seemed to do the trick.

I think i'll keep working on this one, the concept is funny. But there's too much work to be done within one week, so i'll have to re-post the finished product sometime down the road.

What's our topic going to be next week?! :D

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sometimes pushing the envelope overwhelms you

This week's theme made me think of a guy of getting trapped within the envelope, pushing to get out. Had more fun with photoshop as you can see.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This week's topic?

Well... what should we draw this week (aka. this Saturday)?

Also, I've added your emails so that everyone gets an email once there is a new post on the blog. Let me know if you don't want to receive these updates.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

my entry.

Here's my take.

Marc's DOL

You know, if you're gonna be cocky enough to suggest a 'down on your luck' theme, something's eventually going to go wrong. I was putting the finishing touches on this week's drawing when my computer suddenly, and for the first time, overheated and conked out. Maybe something to do with working with 35 layers I don't know, I'm not a doctor. It seems to be working now.. so I reverted to an older wip of the drawing.

Of course, the final touches on this version are kind of rushed and not quite as nice as....get ready for it...."the one that got away".

sad man

Here's my attempt -- it's pretty random, but I felt the face and fat shoes carry the mood... that and if you're going to be bummed out, a zen temple would be a pretty good place to be moody and medidate on your out-of-luck-ness.

I was also feeling a little blocked on the pencil and paper option. Is it ok to collage and play with images in photoshop instead?

Nat'cho Move

Monday, July 14, 2008

This week's topic.

Okay, so the self-portrait was a pretty tough way to start.
How do we want to proceed? Any suggestions for this week's topic?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Ok, so we all new mine would be late, but I kind of thought that would be alright...
After spending 16-18 hours a day in front of a screen something occurred to me, I could use paper and pencil, so I did.
I think the scan my have lost some of the detail.
It took me about 1 1/2 hours and I'm now filled with self loathing...
This was brought on because I can't draw very well, and the subjects pretty dam ugly.....


better late than never...

now back to cod4!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Marc's self portrait

Wish I could have done more, but time's up! As for my illustrative technique..Ctrl+Z was my best friend.. since this was drawn freehand by someone who doesn't draw that much, getting the curves right was really I drew a line, and then undid it over and over until I got somewhere I was satisfied. This process is actually quicker than it sounds once you get a rhythm going.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Self Portrait Entry.

Ok.. here's my entry.

Photoshop and a mirror. I had my desk lamp illuminating me from the side and it took 3.5hours to complete..

Basically using little more than an 80% hard-edged brush, with ~15% roundness and 85% opacity. I paint primarily on one layer, if i'm taking a chance with something, i'll do it on a new layer and flatten once satisfied.

The eyes still kinda weird me out but it's late, time for bed.

Click the image for a high-res version.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Topic: Self Portrait

Just in case you didn't it in the comments, this week's topic is a portrait of YOU.

Saturday's the deadline!


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Here we go!

Alright.. Everyone wants to do the "random drawing once a week" thing, so I've set up this page. I guess we can set up a topic every week, say on Sunday, and everyone can upload their images over the course of the week..let's say the following Saturday is the deadline, so that we can keep the various themes from getting all mixed up. It also adds a little pressure to get things out the door ;)

None of this is set in stone, I just figured this would be the easiest way to get the ball (point) rolling. If anyone wants to do things differently that's cool.

How do we upload?

The idea is that anyone who wants to participate in the weekly draw becomes an author. If you received an invitation from me via Blogspot, then signing up should be pretty easy. If you want to join the group then email me and I'll send you an invitation that you can use to setup up your login.

Every week, everyone can log in, and make a post containing only their image. You can put the topic in as a label for your post, which will help keep things organized/searchable. Comments on other people's images can be posted via the comments link at the bottom of the post. That should keep the layout fairly clean.

How do we decide what to draw every week?
I'm not sure about that one. I was thinking of just posting the first subject myself, then ideas for next week's topic can get commented on that post. Whichever is chosen will be posted the following Sunday.

What do we upload?
Whatever you want, as long as it's your interpretation of the topic.

Who else can we invite?
I dunno.. how big or small do we want this to be? I know a lot of people who are into doing the weekly draw thing, but on an other hand, we want to keep it between friends, right? We can talk about this in the comments section of this post.

Is this thing on?