Saturday, July 19, 2008

my entry.

Here's my take.

Marc's DOL

You know, if you're gonna be cocky enough to suggest a 'down on your luck' theme, something's eventually going to go wrong. I was putting the finishing touches on this week's drawing when my computer suddenly, and for the first time, overheated and conked out. Maybe something to do with working with 35 layers I don't know, I'm not a doctor. It seems to be working now.. so I reverted to an older wip of the drawing.

Of course, the final touches on this version are kind of rushed and not quite as nice as....get ready for it...."the one that got away".

sad man

Here's my attempt -- it's pretty random, but I felt the face and fat shoes carry the mood... that and if you're going to be bummed out, a zen temple would be a pretty good place to be moody and medidate on your out-of-luck-ness.

I was also feeling a little blocked on the pencil and paper option. Is it ok to collage and play with images in photoshop instead?

Nat'cho Move

Monday, July 14, 2008

This week's topic.

Okay, so the self-portrait was a pretty tough way to start.
How do we want to proceed? Any suggestions for this week's topic?

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Ok, so we all new mine would be late, but I kind of thought that would be alright...
After spending 16-18 hours a day in front of a screen something occurred to me, I could use paper and pencil, so I did.
I think the scan my have lost some of the detail.
It took me about 1 1/2 hours and I'm now filled with self loathing...
This was brought on because I can't draw very well, and the subjects pretty dam ugly.....


better late than never...

now back to cod4!