Saturday, July 19, 2008

Marc's DOL

You know, if you're gonna be cocky enough to suggest a 'down on your luck' theme, something's eventually going to go wrong. I was putting the finishing touches on this week's drawing when my computer suddenly, and for the first time, overheated and conked out. Maybe something to do with working with 35 layers I don't know, I'm not a doctor. It seems to be working now.. so I reverted to an older wip of the drawing.

Of course, the final touches on this version are kind of rushed and not quite as nice as....get ready for it...."the one that got away".


marc said...

click for a bigger version of the file of course...

chicken sashimi said...

So awesome.

chicken sashimi said...

That would look wicked silk-screened onto a scarf. :)

Natcho Move said...

Lovely, I'd like to dive in that pond!... not for any statue in particular... really! ;c)

Kayna Rosen Elford said...

that is great, really really great.